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[swift] xcode가 내 기기를 못 찾을 때

_cactus 2021. 6. 24. 21:46

Even though this one does not address the specific problem of the OP, it might be a solution for other people finding this question.

In some circumstances, Xcode will not recognise (won't even see) a connected device that was previously recognised, even though there were no changes in Mac OS/iOS/Xcode versions. This seems to happen if you connect the device while the Mac and/or the device are locked when you connect them. The device will ask if you want to trust the computer even though you already did so, but the device will still not be visible in Xcode.

Restarting Xcode or the device do not seem to have any effect. One solution is to reboot the Mac. Another much quicker solution is to restart usbmuxd:

  1. Quit Xcode
  2. Disconnect the device
  3. In a terminal window, type: sudo pkill usbmuxd (it will be restarted again automatically)
  4. Restart Xcode
  5. Connect the device

Your device should now be visible again in Xcode!

Hope that helps a few people. Apparently it does!


해석해서 간단하게 정리해보면, 

1. xcode와 ios version이 맞는지 확인한다

   (예를 들어 ios 15를 xcode 10에서 빌드되지 않는다)

2. 아이폰과 맥이 서로 신뢰하는 기기로 인식하고 있어야한다. 

    (컴퓨터에 아이폰을 연결했을 때 '신뢰할 수 있는 기기인가요?' 라는 문구가 떠서 신뢰 버튼을 눌러야 xcode에서 아       이폰 기기를 찾을 수 있다.)


3. 아이폰, 컴퓨터 둘 다 재부팅 시킨다.
